My LIfe, My Stories

the journal

Part of what I’ve learned through therapy for my anxiety disorder is having to sit with my feelings. I mean that literally. I will find a place to sit down when I catch myself feeling especially anxious in an attempt to scan my brain and pinpoint what is causing me to feel this way. Once […]

A few weeks back I received this note from a client of mine, a new mom I had just done newborn pictures for. Hey Rachel! Hope this doesn’t sound creepy, but I’ve been so excited for our pictures that I often find myself on your Instagram looking at your previous newborn shots! Tonight I took […]


I’ve sat down to write this blog post more times than I can count. Or remember really. Thoughts fire throughout my brain so fast it’s hard to keep up with texts, emails, a blog, or life in general. How is he up from his nap already? Annnnnnd I’m leaking. Wait, did he just poop through […]

“So are babymoons a thing?” That’s what the owner of our Airbnb rental asked us while we checked in to his Upstate NY home. We laughed along with him at the notion of this recent trend that has popped up over the last few years, which we gladly used as an excuse to get off […]

There are two things that haven’t changed about me since I was a kid. My clothes better be comfy and I need a good pair of kicks. While my tomboy self has happily evolved and added more feminine flair over the years, I’ll always feel most at home in a pair of oversized sweats and […]

I love surprises of all kinds. Surprising friends, surprise treats or a bouquet of flowers, or even a little surprise note to read from a loved one. So what wasn’t a surprise was our decision to not learn our baby’s gender ahead of time so we could be, you guessed it…surprised! Not gonna lie, it’s […]

I tagged along on Danielle + Wil’s day off as they celebrated their daughter, Amalia’s 1st birthday. Our session started off just as sweet as it ended. Coffee + treats at Suraya, followed by a cake smash at home!

20 weeks. Halfway there. I’ve learned a lot of things throughout this pregnancy so far. Things about babies, things about the human body (spoiler alert: it’s f**king crazy), things about Mike, and things about myself. Here’s just a few I wanted to share. 1. Everyone’s experience is different: Yes, there are a ton of similarities between […]

You woke me up to write this. You’re always on my mind. Our mind. I may not feel you yet But I do. You caught us by surprise How quickly you appeared. It was a Wednesday. 8/29. Two little lines. You made us laugh. You made us cry. We said a toast To you that […]

PHOTOS BY Rachel roshani  


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